The 7 Deadly Sins of Forklift Operations – and How to Avoid Them

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Text: Julian Borchert-al-Huribi

Forklifts are essential in today's intralogistics operations. Yet, it's easy to fall into inefficient habits that can slash productivity or even cause serious accidents. From our experience, here are the seven deadly sins of forklift operation and how you can steer clear of them.

Poor Traffic Management

Deadly Sin No. 1 – Poor Traffic Management

Sin: Ignoring other traffic participants like workers/pedestrians or autonomous vehicles, which leads to congestion, accidents, and chaos on your shop floor.

Consequence: High risk of accidents, reduced efficiency, and potential legal troubles.

Tip: Set up a comprehensive traffic management system that accounts for everyone and everything moving around. The more automated your processes, the more essential an intelligent forklift guidance system becomes. This keeps both people and machines safe and productive.

Static Task List

Deadly Sin No. 2 – Static Task Lists or Paper-based Orders

Sin: Using inflexible task assignments or, worse, no structured task management at all. Forklift operators are stuck following rigid instructions, unable to adapt to real-time changes.

Consequence: Long idle times, inefficient routes, and poor utilization of forklifts.

Tip: Switch to a dynamic, digital task management system that assigns tasks in real-time based on priority and forklift location. This makes operations much more efficient and flexible.

Ineffiziente Routenplanung

Deadly Sin No. 3 – Inefficient Route Planning

Sin: Forklifts taking unnecessary routes, wasting time and energy. This results in increased wear and tear and lost time.

Consequence: Unnecessary wear, empty runs, frustration, and lower productivity.

Tip: Use Real Time Localization to get a clear picture of your current forklift usage and routes. Once you know where improvements can be made, optimize routes to minimize travel distances and maximize space use. Well-planned routes save both time and money.


Deadly Sin No. 4 – Lack of Data Utilization

Sin: Failing to collect or use valuable operational data for process improvements.

Consequence: No insight into operations, no continuous improvement, and losing competitive edge.

Tip: Implement a comprehensive data collection and analysis system to drive continuous improvement. Remember, data is the new gold. he Verbesserungen zu ermöglichen. Denn Daten sind das neue Gold.

Isolierte Systeme

Deadly Sin No. 5 – Isolated Systems

Sin: Operating forklifts as standalone units without integrating them into the larger warehouse management logic. This lack of transparency leads to inefficiencies.

Consequence: Duplicate work, information loss, and inefficient workflows.

Tip: Integrate data flows on inventory, orders, and movements to ensure your forklift fleet is part of a holistic intralogistics management system. This unlocks the full potential of your infrastructure and saves costs.  

Lack of Task Priorisation

Deadly Sin No. 6 – Lack of Task Prioritization

Sin: Treating all tasks equally, without considering urgency or strategic importance.

Consequence: Delays in critical tasks and dissatisfied customers.

Tip: Implement an intelligent task prioritization system that ensures urgent tasks and critical processes are handled first. This way, the right tasks get done at the right time.  


Deadly Sin No. 7 – Neglecting Forklift Usage Analysis

Sin: Not regularly reviewing and adjusting forklift usage.

Consequence: Inefficient fleet utilization, higher operating costs, and unexpected downtime.

Tip: Regularly analyze forklift usage and adjust your fleet and processes as needed. Keeping an eye on your forklifts is key to optimal operation.

Forklifts are the backbone of intralogistics – but only when used efficiently. By avoiding these deadly sins, you can optimize your warehouse processes and boost productivity.

Embrace modern technologies and smart order and task management – your forklifts and your bottom line will thank you.

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