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Hanover, November 5, 2023 - 44 pages full of exclusive stories, images and facts straight from the heart of intralogistics: the newly published SYNAOS magazine from the intralogistics software company based in Lower Saxony builds a bridge between innovation and practice. The focus is on real stories from real people from well-known companies, which tell the whole variety and dynamics of our industry:
"Intralogistics has never been as smart and innovative as it is today. Never before has its value contribution to a company's success been so high. Never before have CEOs been so interested in intralogistics and its future as they are today," says Dr. Wolfgang Hackenberg, SYNAOS CEO and co-founder, on the launch of the magazine.
While the print version of the SYNAOS magazine can be ordered directly from the homepage, selected stories are also available digitally.
SYNAOSis revolutionizing intralogistics - and thus the way things are manufactured in factories and moved in warehouses. SYNAOS GmbH is a German intralogistics software company that digitizes and automates intralogistics processes in production sites and logistics centers. Its product, the SYNAOS Intralogistics Management Platform (IMP), combines innovative AI optimization methods with modern and scalable IT technologies for operational excellence in intralogistics. The SYNAOS IMP covers three main solution scenarios: Mobile Robot Fleet Management, Real-time Localization and Warehouse Execution. SYNAOS pursues a data-driven approach: the user-centered IMP calculates the optimal routes for warehouse personnel, mobile robots and manned vehicles in real time.SYNAOS' scalable AI solutions have been playing a key role in shaping the industrial future of our society for more than five years. The Hanover-based software company believes in a software-driven industrial future and aims to take the intralogistics sector a quantum leap forward with its product.
Michael Peters: michael.peters@synaos.com | +49 173 361 30 19
Julian Borchert-al-Huribi: julian.borchert@synaos.com | +49 173 206 87 16
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