Release Notes IMP 2024.2

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Fügen Sie folgenden Link ein und klicken Sie auf Importieren.

Geschafft! Ab sofort profitieren Sie von unsere Events-Kalender und sind immer über die aktuellsten Intralogistik-Events in 2024 informiert.

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Geschafft! Ab sofort profitieren Sie von unsere Events-Kalender und sind immer über die aktuellsten Intralogistik-Events in 2024 informiert.

Wenn Sie kein Outlook oder Google Calendar nutzen, funktioniert das Hinzufügen des Kalenders ggf. etwas anders. Sie können diese allgemeinen Schritte befolgen, um unseren Events-Kalender Ihrem Kalender-Programm hinzuzufügen.

Bei Schwierigkeiten können Sie auch Ihre IT-Abteilung um Hilfe fragen.

Schritt 1:

Öffnen Sie Ihr Kalender-Programm.

Schritt 2:

Navigieren Sie zu der Stelle in Ihrem Programm, an der Sie einen Kalender hinzufügen können. Dies ist häufig in den Einstellungen oder der Menüleiste zu finden.

Schritt 3:

Wählen Sie die Option, bei der Sie einen Kalender aus dem Internet/per URL (oder ähnlich) abonnieren können und fügen Sie an der Stelle folgenden Link ein.

Geschafft! Ab sofort profitieren Sie von unsere Events-Kalender und sind immer über die aktuellsten Intralogistik-Events in 2024 informiert.

The latest SYNAOS IMP release introduces updates designed to give you better visibility, more control, and a more configurability for even better control over your shopfloor. At the heart of this release is the new Operational Dashboard, which brings key metrics together in one place. Alongside it are several enhancements to how you manage tasks and view operations, all aimed at helping you work smarter and faster.

Here’s a closer look at what’s new and how it can make a difference in your daily operations.

1 - Introducing the new operational dashboard

This is the highlight of the release, offering a real-time overview of critical metrics to help you stay on top of your operations.

  • System Health: Instantly see the status of your fleet management system and spot any issues needing attention.
  • Fleet Utilization: Check how effectively your fleet is being used. If utilization hits 100%, it’s a sign to expand your fleet.
  • Distance & Time Standing: View how far your fleet has traveled and how much time vehicles have spent idle in the past 24 hours.
  • Vehicle Status: Get a clear breakdown of automated vehicles – which are available, in use, offline, or reporting errors.
  • Critical Top-5 Operations: Quickly identify the five most urgent tasks that need action.

This dashboard is designed to save you time, you get everything you need to know in one place.

2 - Time-Based Insights in the Operations View

The Operations View has been upgraded with time-related data to make it easier to spot potential problems.

  • Finish Time and Delay Badges: Easily see which tasks are on schedule, running late, or meeting their deadlines.
  • Duration Tracking: A new column shows how long tasks have been stuck in their current status, so you know when it’s time to step in.

These updates help you identify delays or bottlenecks at a glance, making it easier to prioritize and fix issues before they grow.

3 - Enhanced Job Management Options

You now have more control over jobs in the Job Details Sidebar:

  • Manually Complete Jobs: Close out tasks and mark them as finished when needed.
  • Discard Jobs: Cancel jobs that are no longer relevant and remove them from your workflow.

These features give you the flexibility to adjust tasks on the fly, ensuring your operations stay smooth and efficient.

4 - Customizable Operations View

The Operations View can now be tailored to show exactly what you need:

  • Filter Tasks by Status: Narrow down your view to focus on specific types of operations.
  • Sort Columns: Arrange data in ascending or descending order to make finding information easier.

Everyone works differently, and these updates let you customize your view to match your priorities.

We’re excited to hear your feedback and learn how these updates improve your shopfloor operations. Let us know what you think!

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