Release Notes - Q4 2023 - Release 1.12

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Geschafft! Ab sofort profitieren Sie von unsere Events-Kalender und sind immer über die aktuellsten Intralogistik-Events in 2024 informiert.

With the 1.12 release of SYNAOS IMP we're proud to share exciting improvements to the platforms user friendliness, management and orchestration of heterogeneous fleets and configurability. This update introduces the integration of VDA 5050 Version 2.0, expanding the IMP's ability to efficiently orchestrate even more diverse fleets of mobile robots with an even wider range in its multi-version support.

We've streamlined the user experience, offering a clearer view of current operations and enhancing the Shop Floor Editor for easier setup of reservation barriers, routing manipulators, and no-stopping areas. New features like the ability to cancel transport orders via API and sort fleets by battery status directly improve daily operational efficiency.

VDA 5050 2.0 Support

Version 2.0 of VDA 5050 is now officially available. No settings or commissioning are required for the new version. An AGV using version 2.0 can simply be added to the system. The system automatically detects the correct version and communicates accordingly. AGVs with different versions can be used in the same environment without any problems. Differences in the communication will be applied automatically by the system.

Improved Shopfloor Editor

No-stopping areas can now be customized even better to ensure smooth operation. The drag & drop functionality for reservation barriers and route manipulators has been improved.

Improved overview in the Operations View

In addition to the parking and charging orders that were already available, the Operations View now also shows full/empty transports, tour transports and orders generated manually via the user interface. The table view provides the estimated time of completion for any operation. In the case of orders that have already been completed, the actual completion time is displayed.
To the right of the table component is a sidebar, which provides further detailed information about an operation after clicking on it in the table view.

Both the identifier and the executing transport resource are visible in the header of the sidebar. Below this, the transport steps that the operation is composed of are displayed in chronological order. The identifier of each step is made up of its action (Pick, Drop, Move, Charge) and the corresponding location.

Sort fleets by battery state

Fleet management has also been revised. The fleet management table can now be sorted via the battery state column, either in ascending or descending order.

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