ISO 27001: SYNAOS Achieves Key Certification in Cybersecurity and Data Protection

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  • Cyber resilience, data protection, and responsible handling of corporate information are seen as mandatory criteria for business collaboration
  • Internationally recognized certifications like ISO 27001 foster trust and reinforce resilience against internal and external risks.
  • SYNAOS has achieved ISO 27001 certification, demonstrating its commitment to the highest standards in cyber and data security.

Hanover, June 7, 2024

Cyber resilience, knowledge, and information are among the most valuable corporate assets today. Yet, they face increasing threats from cybercrime, natural hazards, and human error. Customers and partners scrutinize how diligently third parties handle their information and data, often making it a key criterion for collaboration. An ISO 27001 audit establishes the necessary trust, strengthening and documenting resilience against such risks.

SYNAOS has always prioritized cybersecurity and has now achieved the crucial certification for information security. The internationally recognized ISO 27001 standard (formerly ISO/IEC 27001:2013) for Information Security Management Systems is considered the premier cybersecurity certification. It confirms the commitment to the highest standards in information security and the protection of sensitive data. The ISO standard provides organizations with clear guidelines for planning, implementing, monitoring, and improving their information security.

“We understand that our intralogistics software is used in a highly critical business area — our customers’ production environment," says Dr. Wolf Siberski, Vice President of Technology at SYNAOS. "Failures or data breaches must be avoided under any circumstances. Therefore, we continuously ensure the security, robustness, and availability of our systems to protect our customers and ourselves from cyber threats such as ransomware attacks. The ISO certification assures our customers and partners that their business continuity is of paramount importance to us. We are proud of this milestone and will continue to invest in the cyber and data security of our system."

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Julian Borchert-al-Huribi
Julian Borchert-al-Huribi
Julian Borchert-al-Huribi

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