SYNAOS CEO appointed to the Board of the VDMA AGV department

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Dr. Wolfgang Hackenberg, co-founder and CEO of SYNAOS, has recently joined the board of the VDMA AGV working group.

“The VDMA represents the core of the German economic landscape and serves as a crucial voice and accelerator. To engage in one of the most important and dynamic areas, the automation of intralogistics, is both an honor and a natural commitment,” says Dr. Wolfgang Hackenberg, who was elected as a new board member by the members of the VDMA AGV department.

Dr. Hackenberg's appointment to the board underscores SYNAOS's pioneering role as a driving force for innovation and automation in the industry. The Hanover-based intralogistics software company not only participates in the global transformation of intralogistics but actively shapes the future of this transformation through groundbreaking technologies.

“Being elected to this board confirms our commitment to advancing automation in intralogistics and sends a clear signal about the leading role that SYNAOS plays in the industry,” says Dr. Hackenberg. “At the forefront of this movement, we not only talk about advanced technologies but also put them into action. I am looking forward to collaborating with my fellow board members and embarking on this exciting journey together.”

He shares responsibilities with Wolfgang Hillinger (CEO DS Automotion) and Jan Drömer (CIO ek robotics). The VDMA AGV working group consists of companies involved in manufacturing and developing AGVs, AMRs, and related software.

With 3,600 members, the VDMA is the largest network organization and a vital spokesperson for the mechanical engineering sector in Germany and Europe. The association represents the common economic, technical, and scientific interests of this diverse industry.

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