SYNAOS develops e-commerce warehouse execution

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Without a doubt, e-commerce is an enormous growth market. But along with growing sales and new delivery options, the challenges involved in handling are also increasing significantly. In particular, the intralogistics systems of e-commerce providers are facing entirely new challenges. Nowadays, for example, short-term changes make rescheduling necessary, increasing customer requirements such as returns and flexible options for delivery times must be considered, connected infrastructures such as shelf systems or conveyor belts have to be synchronized with workers on the shop floor, and last but not least, heavily fluctuating inventories and delivery bottlenecks have become a matter of daily routine. On top of that, intralogistics in this area is also dominated by the “human factor”. Overarching digital shop floor management systems tend to be the exception rather than the norm.

This is where the innovative solutions from SYNAOS come in: to orchestrate intralogistic processes between humans and machines and ultimately make them more efficient. The blueprint comes from the strict requirements in the automotive industry, where SYNAOS is right at home. The Hannover-based company is currently adapting its SaaS solution SYNAOS Intralogistics Management Platform to the particular needs of the e-commerce trade, with the goal to offer an end-to-end solution that can control and orchestration all processes in the e-commerce warehouse. The focus here is on storage and order management as well as automated batching (optimized grouping of orders and pickup routes) and consolidation of customer orders.

Improving efficiency in the e-commerce warehouse with the SYNAOS Intralogistics Management Platform

The relevance of intralogistics is growing rapidly in e-commerce. At the same time, the requirements of Industry 4.0 are also increasing the demands on digitalization. The aim here is to achieve better coordination between humans and machines and to optimize processes. With the intelligent SaaS solution SYNAOS Intralogistics Management Platform, this will also be possible in the e-commerce warehouse in the future with a product coordinated to the specific requirements of the trade. Including an efficiency guarantee!

This project is funded by the European Social Fund Plus / European Regional Development Fund.

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