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The global intralogistics scene is grappling with interfaces and standards to harmonize mobile transport robots with central control centers. While the VDA 5050 interface from Germany is increasingly attracting international interest, similar concepts exist in other regions of the world. As mobile robotic sales continue to boom worldwide, users are primarily seeking guidance and action options. Uncertainty still looms large, especially in decision-making circles, regarding what exactly "interoperability" is and how it pays off in the short and long term.
The editorial team of the SYNAOS Magazine dedicates its dossier on Standardization & Interoperability to this complex issue from various perspectives.
For instance, internationally acclaimed conductor Stanislav Kochanovsky has told SYNAOS what truly matters in "orchestrating" and what intralogistics can learn from music. SYNAOS CEO Dr. Wolfgang Hackenberg and SYNAOS CPO/CRO Dr. Lennart Bochmann articulate clear management imperatives regarding the "Business Case Interoperability." From the manufacturer's perspective, Malte Kersten (Continental AG) explains why even intelligent AMRs can benefit from cross-platform interfaces. VDMA representative Andreas Scherb provides insights into the future and past of the VDA 5050 interface, while an exclusive look into the world's largest practical project operated via the VDA 5050 demonstrates what standardization of robot control center communication can already achieve and inspire today.
The complete dossier is available at the start of LogiMAT on March 18, 2024 here to read (german only).
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