Release Notes - Q3 2023 - Release 1.11

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We are thrilled to announce the deployment of version 1.11 of our Intralogistics Management Platform, SYNAOS IMP. This latest update is a significant stride in our continuous effort to streamline and enhance your intralogistics processes. Release 1.11 is not just an iteration; it's a comprehensive upgrade packed with new features and improvements. From the ability to switch Shop Floor Models seamlessly and define Routing Manipulators, to the introduction of the new Operations View and a complete redesign of all assets, this version is set to revolutionize the way you manage intralogistics. Additionally, we've integrated practical functionalities like bulk actions, advanced notifications, and tools for managing overlapping elements, among many others. For a detailed exploration of these exciting new features and enhancements, we invite you to delve into the release notes below.

Switching the Shop Floor Model

With the introduction of the shop floor model, we want to enable the user to make a change to the current representation of the virtual shop floor in the product without big efforts. Now, effortlessly switch between models that depict varying scenarios with just a few clicks. This will significantly reduce the effort and time required in the commissioning as well as changes in production.

Routing Manipulators and No-Stopping-Areas via the Shop Floor Editor

Routing manipulators are used to influence the routing behavior of vehicles on the store floor. They have the same effect as the routing configuration and determine which paths should be avoided on the route. In the shop floor editor, bars can be placed on the shopfloor either via drag & drop or copy & paste functionality (similar to the reservation barriers). All affected edges (from all navigation graphs) that are crossed by the routing manipulator are avoided according to the applied direction.

The new Operations View

Operations can be any kind of intralogistics processes that happen on the shopfloor ranging from simple A-B transports, parking & charging orders to more complex tour and multi step processes. In order to provide the flexibility of showing the variety of possible intralogistics processes we have created the Operations View.

The first increment of the Operations View is now available and per default displays parking as well as charging orders that were automatically created by the system. Other customer specific orders will be shown as long as they are registered via the Operations API.

A new Design for all Assets

In order to have a more consistent look and feel for the user as well as provide as much valuable data as possible to the user, a new design was introduced for the detail view of assets, which was applied to all known assets of the system. The new design introduced several changes such as expandable panel cards for different detail views (including charging stations, traffic lights and emergency detectors), a notification tab for all assets or additional information for handling station (groups) and traffic lights as well as improved navigation and links between assets and the shop floor.

Notifications from charger, traffic lights and emergency detectors

In addition to handling stations, notifications for the asset types charging station, traffic lights and emergency detector are now also taken into account when they are transmitted by the assets. The user now receives corresponding notifications in the notification center and in the asset detail view.

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